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“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” 

Mark 16:15

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Paul and Kim began their work as foreign missionaries when they moved to Iloilo City, Philippinesfrom 1997 until 1999. They labored beside Kim’s parents Ted and Karen Lingren who had worked foralmost 25 years in Thailand, and in the Philippines beginning in 1992. Paul and Kim are still involvedwith some of the brethren they met during those first two years.Paul was asked in 2005 to return to the Philippines to help establish a full-time school of preaching inCebu City. They were associated with the Central Visayas Bible School (CVBS) until August 2009.Paul suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke in February 2010 but returned to foreign work again inJuly 2014.They help support two faithful and hard-working native preachers in Northeast Thailand, bros. PriwanPromsee and Kaew Jaroenjunsuk. As opportunity permits they visit Northeast Thailand to teach andencourage the brethren there. Their primary focus remains in the Visayas region of the Philippines onNegros Island with the Metro Bacolod School of Preaching (the only two-year, full-time school ofpreaching in the Philippines). In it’s first year, there are currently four students. When not physically inBacolod City, Paul teaches online.Kim was born in Chiang Mai, Thailand and spent her first 15 years growing up on the mission field ofNortheast Thailand. Both Paul and Kim have always had a passion for foreign missions.They have three children, Jared, Lydia and Luke who have also been part of their work.

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3264 N. Center Point Road
Marion, Iowa 52302
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